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Take the Time

Take the time.

This morning on his way to work, Lino saw the moon, full and low and bright. So much so that it was surprising as he came around the corner. A very in-your-face BOOM kind of moon.

So he took the time to call and tell me about it. As he was finishing his description, he said, “I know you and the kids like when the moon or sky looks cool. That’s all I wanted .” (He had literally left the house less than 3 minutes before.)

It sounded pretty special... and probably short-lived as dawn was brightening by the minute. So I called for the kids to drop everything and get on the car right then. I hopped in with my jammies on and bare feet (praying I didn’t get pulled over!)

We drove in the direction of his work and sure enough, as we crept over a slight rise and around the bend, BOOM! The moon was a mic-drop moon if ever I’ve seen one. (I’m sure that’s a valid description...right?)

We took the time to call Lino and chat about this magnificent moon. I could hear the smile in his voice that we took the time to seek it out, a random spontaneous mini adventure to chase and hunt the moon in pajamas before our day began.

Maybe the kids won’t remember silly little moments like this. But I’ll never forget them. And I hope we are teaching them life is made up of little moments, little opportunities to let pass by or take the time to embrace.

I love that he took the time to call me.

I love that we took the time to chase the moon that wouldn’t have been that spectacular an hour later when we left for school.

This is real life and real love. Take the time.



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